Register Rising Stars Rising Stars Registration Prohibited Items and Activities at Fields Cainhoy Athletic maintains field and facility use agreements with private owners and municipal entities. In order to honor those agreements, the following items and activities are prohibited at all fields. Alcohol Firearms Tobacco (smoking or vaping) Artificial Noisemakers (including but not limited to megaphones, cow bells, thunder sticks, air horns, sirens, etc.) Pets Media Policy By registering your child, you acknowledge that Cainhoy Athletic has permission free of charge to use for our own marketing, social media, and website purposes photographs and/or video images of your child taken while engaged in our activities or wearing our uniform. Inclement Weather and Unplayable Fields Policy All coaches, parents, players, and referees are individually responsible for checking for any game cancellations and field closures. All field closures are updated and communicated via the following resources: club website social media member/coach emails No activities are to occur on closed fields Program Selection When prompted in the registration process, please select ‘Recreation’ program/level for our Rising Stars soccer and ‘2024-2025 Season’ as the Season Consent(Required)Accepting this information, to register, click the checkbox and then the Register Now button which will open our online registration portal. I accept. Δ