Initial Referee Classes…this is the class for all officials getting certified for the first time. You must be at least 13 years old to register for the clinic.
There are multiple steps that must be completed in order to receive the Referee License:
- Register with the US Soccer Learning Center – click your preferred webinar date below for instructions on registration
- Complete online training modules in the US Soccer Learning Center BEFORE the webinar you registered for
- Attend the webinar – webinar link will be posted in the Course Details and distributed in the Communication tab
- Attend an on-field training session in your local area – this will be done some time after your webinar and further details are listed below and will be distributed after webinar completion.
Once all four of these activities are completed, the candidate will receive their referee badge and have their registration processed and will be ready to officiate.
Saturday, February 8 – Webinar – 1PM – 4PM
Monday, February 17 – Webinar – 7PM – 10PM
Sunday, February 23 – Webinar – 10AM – 1PM